
李硕烨, 刘琼, 陈慧, 等. PD-1治疗滤泡淋巴瘤出现大疱性类天疱疮:1例报道并文献复习[J]. 临床血液学杂志, 2022, 35(3): 217-220. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1004-2806.2022.03.013
引用本文: 李硕烨, 刘琼, 陈慧, 等. PD-1治疗滤泡淋巴瘤出现大疱性类天疱疮:1例报道并文献复习[J]. 临床血液学杂志, 2022, 35(3): 217-220. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1004-2806.2022.03.013
LI Shuoye, LIU Qiong, CHEN Hui, et al. PD-1 develops bullous pemphigoid after treatment of follicular lymphoma: a case report and literature review[J]. J Clin Hematol, 2022, 35(3): 217-220. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1004-2806.2022.03.013
Citation: LI Shuoye, LIU Qiong, CHEN Hui, et al. PD-1 develops bullous pemphigoid after treatment of follicular lymphoma: a case report and literature review[J]. J Clin Hematol, 2022, 35(3): 217-220. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1004-2806.2022.03.013



PD-1 develops bullous pemphigoid after treatment of follicular lymphoma: a case report and literature review

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  • 图 1  头皮及前额红斑

    图 2  腰背部皮肤破溃

    图 3  舌糜烂

    图 4  右眼角膜溃疡

    图 5  真皮浅层可见散在多灶吞噬色素(HE,×400)

    图 6  治疗后躯干皮肤色素沉着,干燥脱屑

    图 7  治疗后躯干皮肤色素沉着,干燥脱屑

    图 8  治疗后舌糜烂好转

    图 9  治疗后右眼角膜

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收稿日期:  2021-12-25
刊出日期:  2022-03-01
