
张丽芳, 袁野, 史林, 等. 新型肝癌标志物的临床应用研究进展[J]. 临床血液学杂志, 2022, 35(4): 297-302. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1004-2806.2022.04.016
引用本文: 张丽芳, 袁野, 史林, 等. 新型肝癌标志物的临床应用研究进展[J]. 临床血液学杂志, 2022, 35(4): 297-302. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1004-2806.2022.04.016
ZHANG Lifang, YUAN Ye, SHI Lin, et al. Advances in clinical application of novel liver cancer markers[J]. J Clin Hematol, 2022, 35(4): 297-302. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1004-2806.2022.04.016
Citation: ZHANG Lifang, YUAN Ye, SHI Lin, et al. Advances in clinical application of novel liver cancer markers[J]. J Clin Hematol, 2022, 35(4): 297-302. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1004-2806.2022.04.016



Advances in clinical application of novel liver cancer markers

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