Analysis of risk factors for children with moderate and severe iron deficiency anemia
摘要: 目的:了解儿童中重度缺铁性贫血(IDA)发生的危险因素。方法:回顾性分析我院儿科2011-09-2014-12收治的98例中重度IDA患儿的临床资料。结果:中重度IDA大部分发生在母乳喂养儿童和2岁以下儿童;早产,尤其是34周以下的早产儿是发生中重度IDA的主要高危因素(χ2=23.135,P=0.000);未及时添加辅食也是危险因素(χ2=11.674,P=0.020);重度IDA更易发生在农村患儿;2岁以上儿童中重度IDA常与其他疾病相关(χ2=30.455,P=0.000)。结论:目前经济状况下儿童中重度IDA并不少见,应加强婴幼儿营养卫生宣教及定期体检以预防其发生,早期关注早产儿铁状态和及时补充铁剂对防治儿童中重度IDA至关重要。2岁以上儿童中重度IDA需考虑其他疾病的可能,注意寻找病因。Abstract: Objective:To figure out the risk factors leading to moderate and severe iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in children.Method:The clinical data,involving 98 inpatients diagnosed as moderate and severe IDA from September 2011 to December 2014 in our pediatric department,was analyzed by a retrospective study.Result:The majority of patients were breast-fed infants less than 2 year old;premature babies,especially the babies born before 34 weeks gestational age,were at a high risk for moderate and severe IDA (χ2=23.135,P=0.000);children fed by breast milk alone without other food intake after 6 months of age were much more prone to moderate and severe IDA (χ2=11.674,P=0.020);severe IDA in countryside was more prevalent than that in city;most of moderate and severe IDA in children older than 2 years were caused by other diseases (χ2=30.455,P=0.000).Conclusion:Currently,childhood moderate and severe IDA is still a problem in China,health education and food intake instruction for parents and grandparents,regular physical exam in children should be taken to prevent this disorder.Early screenings for iron status and iron supplement are key ways to avoid moderate and severe IDA in premature babies.For older children,further investigations should be considered in order to exclude some diseases causing iron deficiency.
Key words:
- iron deficiency anemia /
- moderate and severe /
- risk factors /
- analysis
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