摘要: 急性髓系白血病的分型历经多年的发展,从单纯的形态学分型,逐步发展为集形态学、免疫学、细胞及分子遗传学、临床特征为一体的分型体系,尤其是以遗传学为驱动,认知出许多疾病类型,并得到临床应用。本文将对急性髓系白血病分型的发展演变进行简要概述。Abstract: The classification of acute myeloid leukemia has been developed for many years, from sole morphological classification to a system that integrates morphology, immunology, cellular and molecular genetics, and clinical features. Especially driven by genetics, many entities have been identified, and adopted in clinical practice. This paper will provide a brief overview of the development and evolution of the classification of acute myeloid leukemia.
Key words:
- acute myeloid leukemia /
- classification
表 1 各类型AML的白血病细胞比例
% BM M1 M2 M4 M5 M6 原始细胞比例 占ANC比例 >30 >30 >30 >30 >或<30 占NEC比例 90 >30 >30 >80$ >30 红系/ANC比例 <50 <50 <50 <50 >50 粒系细胞/NEC# <10 >10 >20+ <20+ 数量不等 单核细胞/NEC* <10 <20 >20 >80$ 数量不等 #早幼粒及以下阶段粒细胞;*幼稚单核细胞及单核细胞;+包括原始粒细胞;$M5a主要为原始单核细胞,M5b主要为幼稚、成熟单核细胞。 表 2 核型与形态有关联性AML的MIC分型
核型 比例/% FAB分型 MIC分型 t(8;21)(q22;q22) 12 M2 M2/t(8;21) t(15;17)(q22;q12) 10 M3,M3v M3/t(15;17) t/del(11)(q23) 6 M5a(M5,M4) M5a/t(11q) inv/del(16)(q22) 5 M4Eo M4Eo/inv(16) t(9;22)(q34;q11) 3 M1(M2) M1/t(9;22) t(6;9)(p21-22;q34) 1 M2,M4 with basophilia M2/t(6;9) inv(3)(q21;q26) 1 M1(M2,M4,M7) with thrombocytosis M1/inv(3) t(8;16)(p11;p13) <0.1 M5b with phagocytosis M5b/t(8;16) t/del(12)9p11-13) <0.1 M2 with basophilia M2 Baso/t(12p) +4 <0.1 M4(M2) M4/+4 表 3 核型与形态无关联性AML的MIC分型
核型 比例/% MIC分型 +8 8 M?/+8 -7 4 M?/-7 7q- 3 M/7q- 5q- 3 M?/5q- -Y 1 M?/-Y +21 1 M?/+21 9q- <0.1 M?/9q- i(17q) <0.1 M?/I(17q) 20q- <0.1 M?/20q- +22 <0.1 M?/+22 -