Clinical features and prognosis of 78 patients with infection-associated hemophagocytic syndrome
摘要: 目的 探讨成人感染相关噬血细胞综合征(hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis,HLH)患者的临床特征和预后。方法 收集78例初诊感染相关HLH患者的临床数据和生存资料。组间比较符合正态分布行t检验,非正态分布使用非参数检验。采用Kaplan-Meier法绘制生存曲线,并进行单因素、多因素分析。结果 共纳入78例感染相关HLH患者,其中EB病毒(EBV)噬血细胞综合征40例,非EBV-HLH 38例。发热是最常见的临床特征,占88.5%。单因素分析显示,乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)(>276 U/L)、IL-17(>9.81 pg/mL)、D-二聚体(>940 ng/mL)、肌酐(>60 μmol/L)与患者预后相关,多因素分析显示,治疗方案、LDH可作为患者的独立预后危险因素(P < 0.01)。EBV-HLH患者较非感染患者生存期更短。使用HLH-2004方案联合抗感染治疗与仅抗感染治疗组比较患者中位生存期长、预后好。结论 EBV-HLH患者早期死亡率高,LDH(>276 U/L)可以作为评价患者预后的独立因素。感染相关HLH患者应尽早开始HLH-2004方案治疗。
- 感染相关噬血细胞综合征 /
- 预后分析 /
- 临床特征
Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics and prognosis of infection-associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis(HLH).Methods The clinical data and survival data of 78 newly diagnosed infection-associated HLH patients were collected. The survival curve was drawn by Kaplan-Meier method, and univariate and multivariate analysis were carried out.Results A total of 78 patients with Infection-associated HLH were enrolled, including 40 cases of EBV-HLH and 38 cases of non-EBV-HLH. Fever is the most common clinical feature, accounting for 88.5%. Univariate results showed that LDH(>276 U/L), IL-17(>9.81 pg/mL), D-Dimer(>940 ng/mL) and creatinine(>60 μmol/L) were related to the prognosis of patients. Multivariate results showed that treatment regimen and LDH could be used as independent prognostic risk factors(P < 0.01). The survival time of EBV infected patients was shorter than non infected patients. Compared with the anti infection treatment group, the median overall survival of patients with HLH-2004 regimen combined with anti infection treatment group was longer and the prognosis was better.Conclusion Patients with EBV-HLH have a high early mortality rate. LDH(>276 U/L) can be used as an independent factor to evaluate the prognosis of patients. Patients with Infection-associated HLH should be initiated with the HLH-2004 regimen as early as possible. -
表 1 感染相关HLH的病原体及确诊方法
病原体 例数(%) 确诊方法 病毒 EBV 40(51.3) 血清学 流感病毒 5(6.4) 血清学(IgM/IgG) 巨细胞病毒 3(3.8) PCR(血液) 疱疹病毒 2(2.6) 血清学+PCR 细菌 屎肠球菌 6(7.7) 血培养 结核分枝杆菌 3(3.8) 痰液抗酸染色+PCR 马尔他布鲁菌 3(3.8) 血培养 耐甲氧西林葡萄球菌 3(3.8) 血培养 肺炎克雷伯菌 2(2.6) 血培养 支原体/衣原体 4(5.1) 血清学(IgM) 寄生虫 杜氏利什曼原虫 2(2.6) 骨髓涂片+PCR 真菌 白色念珠菌 3(3.8) 痰培养/肺泡灌洗液培养 烟曲霉菌 2(2.6) 肺泡灌洗液培养 表 2 感染相关HLH的实验室检查结果
项目 例数(%) 全血细胞减少 78(100.0) ALB < 30 g/L 70(89.7) 铁蛋白≥500 μg/L 69(88.5) 肝酶异常 65(83.3) LDH>250 U/L 60(76.9) 降钙素原>0.5 μg/L 59(75.6) 凝血系列异常 23(29.5) PT>17.8 s 20(87.0) APTT>46.5 s 8(34.8) D-二聚体>243 ng/mL 59(75.6) 纤维蛋白原 < 1.5 g/L 20(25.6) 肾功异常 10(12.8) T细胞亚群 50(64.1) 辅助性T细胞>40% 21(42.0) 抑制性T细胞>29% 37(47.4) sCD25升高 34(43.6) sCD25≥6 400 pg/mL 31(91.2) 细胞因子 22(28.2) 肿瘤坏死因子-α>4.6 pg/mL 16(72.7) 干扰素-γ>7.4 pg/mL 14(63.6) IL-2>5.7 pg/mL 4(18.2) IL-4>3.0 pg/mL 10(45.5) IL-6>5.3 pg/mL 20(90.9) IL-10>4.9 pg/mL 21(95.4) IL-17>20.6 pg/mL 6(27.3) 表 3 单因素分析结果
因素 HR 95%CI P 下限 上限 IL-17 0.164 0.046 0.589 0.002 LDH 5.123 1.572 16.683 0.003 治疗方案 0.476 0.276 0.821 0.007 D-二聚体 1.820 1.042 3.178 0.033 肌酐 1.667 0.989 2.811 0.047 铁蛋白 5.342 0.736 38.753 0.063 降钙素原 1.667 0.924 3.008 0.087 谷草转氨酶 2.195 0.871 5.532 0.088 IL-2 0.391 0.128 1.195 0.089 CRP 3.028 0.723 12.699 0.112 胆固醇 0.631 0.345 1.154 0.131 血红蛋白 1.435 0.847 2.432 0.177 IL-10 2.422 0.620 9.456 0.189 促红细胞生成素 1.534 0.800 2.940 0.194 血小板 1.375 0.807 2.342 0.239 IL-6 3.040 0.379 24.386 0.274 调节性T细胞 0.548 0.143 2.101 0.374 三酰甘油 1.273 0.745 2.176 0.377 IL-4 1.948 0.431 8.810 0.379 谷丙转氨酶 0.672 0.265 1.702 0.399 抑制性T细胞 1.287 0.663 2.497 0.455 年龄 1.217 0.716 2.071 0.467 淋巴细胞 1.205 0.696 2.089 0.505 性别 1.195 0.706 2.022 0.506 sCD25 1.349 0.520 3.498 0.537 干扰素γ 0.756 0.282 2.028 0.577 肿瘤坏死因子α 0.769 0.287 2.063 0.601 红细胞沉降率 0.825 0.371 1.838 0.638 中性粒细胞 0.861 0.459 1.615 0.641 纤维蛋白原 1.115 0.643 1.935 0.698 维生素B12 1.085 0.631 1.865 0.767 辅助性T细胞17 0.849 0.221 3.266 0.811 叶酸 0.947 0.524 1.710 0.856 辅助性T细胞 0.959 0.498 1.845 0.900 ALB 1.025 0.588 1.786 0.931 白细胞 0.991 0.584 1.682 0.972 表 4 多因素分析结果
因素 HR 95%CI P β SE 下限 上限 治疗方案 0.304 0.154 0.600 0.001 -1.190 0.347 LDH 6.115 1.723 21.697 0.005 1.811 0.646 D-二聚体 1.451 0.768 2.740 0.252 0.372 0.324 肌酐 1.419 0.776 2.594 0.256 0.350 0.308 表 5 EBV-HLH组与非EBV-HLH组患者实验室指标比较
指标 EBV-HLH组(n=40) 非EBV-HLH组(n=38) P 年龄/岁 48.59±2.60 47.261±3.61 0.765 男∶女/例 22∶18 17∶21 0.693 白细胞计数/(×109/L) 2.54(1.22,3.56) 3.24(1.43,7.49) 0.110 中性粒细胞计数/(×109/L) 1.60(0.57,2.58) 2.28(0.90,3.90) 0.180 血红蛋白(g/L) 94.00(77.50,110.00) 103.00(83.00,116.00) 0.562 血小板计数/(×109/L) 52.00(32.00,91.75) 68.00(49.00,182.00) 0.070 谷丙转氨酶/(U/L) 66.50(39.90,145.20) 46.00(19.60,79.50) 0.030 谷草转氨酶/(U/L) 112.70(55.10,263.15) 53.90(23.60,141.40) 0.030 LDH/(U/L) 616.00(457.25,1 607.50) 542.00(284.00,653.00) 0.790 叶酸/(nmol/L) 1 500.00(1 167.00,2 161.75) 1 500.00(852.90,2 583.00) 0.843 sCD25/(pg/mL) 5 123.00(3 632.00,7 500.00) 3 217.00(2 240.00,7 500.00) 0.310 肌酐/(μmol/L) 64.19(46.25,84.06) 56.00(46.00,72.00) 0.390 降钙素原/(ng/mL) 1.20(0.65,2.96) 1.12(0.89,1.78) 0.940 红细胞沉降/(mm/h) 35.00(12.00,59.50) 41.00(20.75,77.75) 0.120 -
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